A word I coined to describe an idealistic story that has persisted whether it's true, partly true, or false. For my purposes here, it's to highlight my friends and family who are creative and making a positive impact in the world.
Steve Douglass
Steve Douglass is an extraordinary photographer. We partnered a lot shooting news and features. He's also an author.
Jim Livingston
Jim has a very artistic eye. His work straddles the realistic and the artificial, trying to create an image that reflects what he truly sees.
"My camera has taught me to see the magic in the world again. Like a child seeing everything for the first time... I invite you to join me on my journey of rediscovery and find the magic again as I did."
Jim Livingston Photography
Herman and Bea Gabriel
"In 1985 I moved from Amarillo, Texas to a cottage in Castroville, a historic little Alsatian town nestled in the Medina River Valley 15 miles west of San Antonio. It was at that time that I was physically led by mysterious forces to members of my spiritual family - to Bea Gabriel and our work with her deceased husband, artist Herman Gabriel. So come along with me, fellow sojourners, as I begin my own 'Mystic in Texas' Tale ... " - VivisVan-
New Body, Old Soul
The works of Herman Gabriel
Mardy Lemmons
Mardy Lemmons was born in 1960 in Landstuhl, Germany. He died in 2009 in Amarillo, Texas. He loved Radiohead and the human body.