
Reality is ambiguous.  So many philosophers, poets, theologians  and scientists have tried to define reality but none have succeeded.  Yet all have succeeded.  For many people ambiguity is aggravating.  They desire an answer that ties up all the loose ends.  They demand certainty.  Certainty is illusion.  Truth is not a point.  It is a wave.  Reality is outside and inside and in the infinite grey between.


If ambiguity is reality, obscurity is how we experience it.  Everything seems hidden, especially truth, unless of course, we declare we know it.   CODA connects the obscure to the ambiguous. If as some philosophers say, we are something like holograms, the entirety of the universe is within us.  CODA attempts to reach into obscurity to try to retrieve the knowledge of who we are. We are us.

For a deeper understanding of the philosophical implications of accepting ambiguity, one of the best sources is The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir: "Man must not attempt to dispel the ambiguity of his being but, on the contrary, accept the task of realizing it.”

"To say something is obscure, means it is uncertain. This is not to be confused with obscurantism, which is an active effort to deceive, or to hide. To search for "the one thing" that is "truth" is to hide the fact that truth is ambiguous."       Ray Rhodes

"God and other artists are always a little obscure."     Oscar Wilde

CODA Welcomes Converts!

These generic people had no idea they would be converted to the most important church since the last most important church!  The extraordinary thing about CODA is no one need do anything except spread the word of CODA!  Tell your friends!  Especially tell your acquaintances!  Even people you haven't met or friended on Facebook can benefit from the teachings of CODA!  You don't have to give money!  You don't have to give your physical presence!  You only have to give a thought... when you can spare it!   That's all!

John Smith

"I understood CODA once I understood I can't understand CODA."

Jill Jones

"CODA is the answer to all my questions.   I just don't remember what I asked."

Frederick Generic III

"I don't mind being Generic so long as I get paid like a generic.  So am I getting paid?"

A Single Click

They say a journey begins with a single step.  They say it's not the destination but the journey that matters.  They say it's important to know who "they" are.  CODA says if you click the button below there will be no fireworks, but there could be a spark.